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Understanding Newborns

All birth and postnatal practitioners who are interested in supporting newborns.

  • Ended
  • From 55 British pounds
  • Online via Zoom

Service Description

What does it cover? What is the Fourth Trimester? What does it mean for babies? What do newborns need? A baby's brain - early development Neonatal reflexes - what might they mean, how could we preserve them? Early sensory development (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell) Why babies cry and how we can support parents with their crying What is colic and does it exist? A newborn’s digestive system – why certain ways of feeding matter? Baby Sleep – how babies sleep, sleep training (or not!), self soothing, experts/research organisations and what they say Supporting parents with understanding their newborn's behaviour and development, communicating ideas Using resources and published studies, what the experts say What else is included? Handout Certificate of Completion

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